Paris, November 29-2013: International workshop on modelling platforms

Paris, November 29-2013: International workshop on modelling platforms for the sustainable management of crop health

The INRA/CIRAD IPM network, in conjunction with the key-action MODEL of the INRA's metaprogram SMACH (Sustainable MAnagement of Crop Health), the European Research Group ENDURE, the European project PURE, and the "Modelling for Agriculture" Mixed Technology Network organise an international workshop on modelling platforms for the sustainable management of crop health.

The aim of this workshop is to promote platforms that can enhance innovative modelling approaches applied to crop protection and to initiate collective methodological reflexions.


The following platforms and tools will be presented:

  • UNISIM (Aarhus University, Danemark, PURE), a software package for collaborative ecological modelling
  • RECORD (INRA), a platform for modelling and computer simulation dedicated to the study of agro-ecosystems
  • AMAPStudio (CIRAD), a software suite for plant architecture modelling
  • DEXIPM (INRA, PURE/ENDURE), a qualitative multicriteria tool to assess the sustainability of cropping systems
  • MEANS (MulticritEria AssessmeNt of Sustainability), a platform for the multi-criteria sustainability assessment of agri-food systems
  • Injury Profile SIMulator (INRA), a qualitative aggregative modelling framework to predict injuries caused by multiple pests as a function of cropping practices and the biotic and abiotic environment
  • X-PEST (INRA, PURE), an online modelling platform to help design models that predict damages caused by multiple pests
  • A tool for network modelling (INRA, PURE), a tool to help network modelling for the collective management of a given pest at the territory level
  • EPSIMBIOR, development of a database on traits, equations and parameters of pests

Final program and practical information are available below

In order to ease the organisation of the workshop, please contact the registration administrator: before November 18th.

The organising committee: Jean-Noël Aubertot, Vincent Cellier, Violaine Deytieux, Vincent Faloya, Alain Ratnadass, Jean-Louis Sarah, Wil Hennen, Françoise Lescourret, Antoine Messéan et François Brun

Modification date: 09 May 2023 | Publication date: 08 October 2013 | By: IPM network